Saturday, January 10, 2009

Home Study Process

Ok - they said the home study process was time consuming, and they were right! Ryan has been great about preparing all of our personal documents for the process. Our friends were great in providing reference letters. Letters from employers and banks and the like. In the end, completing the paperwork took a few focused days but it was great that it forced us to ensure we were adquately prepared for the adoption. There are great benefits talking with your spouse on the difference styles for parenting, what types of actions you will take to discipline your child, how to communicate effectively, etc... The one recommendation I have to any couple going through this process is to assign one person to coordinate and organize all the necessary paperwork. That seemed to work well for us.

So in the end - it was cool going through this process to force us to get prepared to bring a child into our family. Perhaps every new parent would benefit from the process?